Wednesday, July 9, 2008 Mortgage Trend Index (July 3, 2008)

Posted on July 3, 2008Filed under Market Direction Surveys Read the complete post or link to it
I am a regular participant in the Mortgage Rate Trend survey and this week's survey is now available.
As a reminder:
The survey is for conforming loans only.
You're welcome to email me about your pending plans to purchase or refinance.
I twitter market updates a few times daily. Follow me, if you want.
Anyway, on to the group's predictions for the next 30 days:
21% of participants predict rates will increase
43% of participants predict rates will decrease
I am predicting that rates will decrease over the next 30 days, but that doesn't mean you should necessarily follow my advice when choosing whether to lock a rate, or float it. My advice may not be appropriate for your individual situation.
From the survey:
"So long as growth stays steady, money should flow into the mortgage bond market. This drops rates."
I've been using Twitter to communicate the mid-day market shifts to clients. My tweets tell them when rates are likely to change so they can be more pro-active about their finances.
Twitter's simple to set up and it's non-intrusive. You're welcome to follow me if you'd like the updates, too.
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